Welcome to The Elliott Community!

Michelle Karker

On behalf of The Elliott Community, the Board of Trustees, the Residents, and Staff, I am honoured and pleased to welcome you to The Elliott Community’s website.

For over 100 years, The Elliott Community has had the privilege of providing various levels of care to citizens of Guelph and area. Our Home is dedicated to providing the highest quality of life for our residents. The Elliott Community has a unique philosophy formed on family values. We strive to provide a home-like atmosphere. Our meals and activities are determined based on the active participation of both residents and staff. The friendships that develop amongst everyone make the Elliott a place to call home.  "Quality choices in a caring and inclusive, home-like community.  A tradition of promoting dignity and independence for those we serve and their families."

I invite you to review the following publications to learn more about our Home:

EGuide - The Elliott Community

Annual Report 2023

Accessibility Plan 2020 - 2024

Accessibility Compliance Report Confirmation -Thank you for submitting your accessibility compliance report on 11/15/2023 for The Elliott. Your confirmation number is ACR-92902. Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), we will make written information and other forms of communication accessible, upon request.
Compliance Status -Your report indicates that your organization is in compliance with Ontario’s accessibility laws.

2024 AODA Compliance Statement

Emergency Response Plan

170 Metcalfe Street Fire Plan

L-SAA The Elliott 2023-2024

Michelle Karker, Chief Executive Officer